Тесты по англ языку 911 класс

Тест по английскому языку (9-11 кл.)
Описание разработки. 1. Moscow is… capital of Russia. (a, the, --) 2. The giraffe is (tall, the tallest, the most tall) animal in the world. 3. Your hands are dirty.

Wash (them, their, they) please. 4. (Do, does) she (swim, swims) very well? 5. I (play, am playing) the piano now. 6. morning, you, time, get up, what, in, the, did? 7. Last week we (were, are, go) at the library. 8. We have been working… nine o’ clock … five hours. ( for, since ) 9. I’m sure Tom (will get, is getting) the job. 10. She … a new hat if she … to the shop. (Will buy-goes, buys- will go).

20. I asked where she (had come, came) from? 21. Which is the (eldest, oldest, most old) building in this town? 22. I think there are too (much, many) soap operas on TV. 23.

Can I have (some, any) ice- cream? 24. You should (listen, hear) to your teacher. 25. No news (are, is) good news.

26. Newton was a great man (and, but, or) he was absent-minded. 27. This film … by about 30 million people now. (is being watched, watched, is watched). 28.

I (can’t, couldn’t) find my key last night. 28. It (rains, rained, is raining) yesterday. 30. How much (is these, are this, are these) jeans?

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